Monday, January 9, 2012


I want to thank all of you who took the time to comment, call, FB, or text about my last post. I can't believe I even wrote that post, and seriously considered deleting after I did. But I didn't, and I'm glad that I got to get some advise from you guys. It has really helped reading and hearing what you guys had to say. So thank you for taking the time to help me out. And I have taken what you guys have said to heart.

Update on the little one....
She took the mylanta for a day (Thursday to Friday), and I couldn't stand to see her in pain so I took her in to see her pediatrician on Friday, even though they said to wait a week for the mylanta to work. She was due for a feeding during our visit so the doctor got to see a little sampling of what she does during a feeding. So after seeing what happened when Bryn tried to nurse the doc confirmed my suspicion of reflux and prescribed Nexium. Thankfully it is an extended release so it only needs to be given once a day. She said it would take about a week to build up in her system and if I don't see a drastic change by next Friday then we would ultrasound her belly to see if there was any anatomical issues causing the problem. So now we are 4 days into the meds and I'm seeing a slight improvement. Sometimes it is better and sometimes it is the same crazy screaming fits. She still seems to be at her worst in the evening before bedtime and she still is not affected in the middle of the night (THANK GOD!). So our nights are going as well as can be expected. Oh except she thinks there is a party in mommy's room about 4am every morning. That is the feeding she thinks its cool to stay awake for a couple hours. But I do have to report that she has made the transition into her bassinet without a problem. I have elevated her bassinet to help with the reflux which I think has helped. While I do miss having her in the bed to snuggle with, it has been nice to get more solid sleep. That's about all I can report, well except for the fact that I think that she is looking more and more like Kaylee as an infant. When she was born, and until now I've totally seen the similarities between her and Ainslee, but now she looks more like Kaylee. Oh and she weighs a whopping 10lb 6oz (with clothes and diaper on), I sure can fatten my babies up!

Oh and I also combined this appointment with Kaylee's 5 year check up where she got one of her Kindergarten vaccinations. Kaylee got a clean bill of health and is growing perfectly. She weighs 47lbs which is the 85th percentile and she is 46 1/2 inches tall which puts her at the top of the chart for height. I cant believe she is 1 1/2 inches from 4 FEET!!! Isnt that where you can ride like ALL the rides at water and amusements parks? Seriously?!?

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