Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Here are the 1st pictures from the photo time lapse project Im attempting for the first year of her life, I hope week 1 is the only time I forget

forgot the 2 week sign

3 weeks

Kaylee flying her new kite form Santa with Uncle Johnny

I have MANY more pics and videos I need to get uploaded but for some reason I cant seem to find the time! I dont know what it could be........the 3 girls begging for my time and attention, the homeschool stuff that needs to get done, the sleep that I'm about 40 hours behind on, the mountains of laundry that seem insurmountable, or the house that looks like a bomb seriously went off (actually more like 5 bombs). Between those things I cant figure out why I have no time for this forgotten blog. I need a clone!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

So cute!! I wish I had done one a week for the first month...they change SO much during that time.
I feel your pain on getting things done! I forgot how little you can get done with a baby around sometimes!