Thursday, September 15, 2011

Proud momma moment

Yesterday I had a shape page pulled out for Ainslee to work on during her "school" time. Since she is only 2 I usually dont have many structured learning activities planned for her, but I like to throw in a few here and there. For this page I intended to combine a few "learning opportunities," shapes, colors, and following directions. I was going to sit down with her and have her color certain shapes the color I told her and then have her draw the lines to connect the matching shapes.  But as it goes in the homeschool/mommy world something came up. I got a phone call right after I handed her the paper, and I got distracted from her for a few minutes. In hindsight, I probably shouldnt have answered the phone call, but it was from the church regarding some Baptism sponsorship info that i needed, so I really needed to answer the call.  Anyways, so when I returned to her desk the picture below is what i found. She had nearly completed the page all by herself, without me even telling her the directions. She figured out that she was supposed to match the shapes and draw lines to them. I was astonished! At first I considered the idea that Kaylee might have helped her, but then I quickly realized that she hadnt moved from her desk, where she was diligently working on her own work. Ainslee had figured this one out on her own. She never quite finished the paper before I began my whole "freaking out scene" so she didnt match the rectangles. And she drew 2 lines to each triangle, I guess thats her favorite shape, or maybe she just wanted to emphasize the fact that she knows her triangle. Either way, I was so proud of my little girl, and the fact that these are the things that I get to witness (or sort of witness even when im distracted by the phone) while homeschooling. I swear I have gotten more validation from our decision to homeschool in the past few weeks, and it makes me so happy to KNOW we have made the right decision!

check out her work (the line from the squares is faint, but it is there)

I know that she is no genius, she does not know nearly as much as other 2 year olds, she does not know her letters (Nicole if you are reading this, clearly your child IS a genius, how in the world did you teach her all of that so young), she doesnt even know ALL her shapes yet, we are almost there on the colors (i think she knows more than she lets on).

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