Thursday, September 22, 2011

Lists - how I love/hate thee

Are any of you list makers? I am!

I make lists for everything! I've always been a list maker and I've always loved scratching things off my list once it is complete! Sometimes I even divide up a "chore" into more than one thing so that I can cross more off my list.  But lately lists and I have NOT been the greatest of friends! They seem to be unending or even growing instead of shrinking and becoming completed. I never get to "finish" my list anymore. I cross things off and the list gets bigger, how does that happen!? And besides my frustration with my ever growing lists, it doesn't matter how much I accomplish in one day, I never have anything to show for it. Most of the time you can't even tell I've done anything all day long! When, in actuality, I haven't sat down the entire day (except to maybe eat lunch). I doesn't matter if I have done 30 things that day no one would notice, definitely not the girls and most certainly not my husband! It is very frustrating and depressing! And I hope that my beloved lists decide to add me back to their good side!

Now excuse me while I go add to my list of things to do, and hopefully check off a thing or least I was able to scratch "write a blog post" off my list!

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