Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Days fly by

I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that keeps up with it, but have any of you noticed I have less than 100days left to carry this heathen inside!?! I was meaning to write a post on my 100 day mark, but that obviously didnt happen.  I can't even tell you how the time has flown by! You know when you are a child waiting and waiting for Christmas, your birthday or summer to arrive each year? And each year it seems as though you had to wait YEARS inbetween each "holiday/event"! Now it seems as though there are merely days inbetween holidays and no time to prepare mentally or physically for them. Where does the time go? And why all of a sudden is it moving at mach speed?

I can't believe in 91 short days (give or take a few) I will be holding this little one instead of feeling his/her kicks from the inside. I can't believe we will have THREE children! I can't believe we will be moving Kaylee to the "back" of the car full time! I can't believe I will get to experience nursing all over again, which I LOVE, but not so much the lack of sleep that comes with it. I can't believe I am preparing the upstairs room for my soon-to-be FIVE year old to move up there! But most of all I can't believe that in a few short months marcus and I will be outnumbered!

Yesterday I had my glucose test and I am just hoping that I pass, because I certainly don't want to experience that 3 hour test again and I definitely don't want to alter my diet anymore than it already is!

Based on averages and a chart I found my baby is about 14 1/2 inches long and weighs nearly 2 lbs already! Amazing! I would love to have another ultrasound to get to see him/her again! But am too scared we will see the sex and we really don't want to know, however I still think it is another girl! I do know, if he is a boy he will remain nameless as I can not come up with any boy names that I LOVE!

Oh and Kaylee felt the baby kick for the 1st time today, she was so excited, and she told me very confidently that she has been "practicing" and she no longer needs a boppy to help her hold babies, so when the baby comes out, she can hold her all by herself. She even claims to know how to hold the baby while she is walking, which is an absolute NO NO in my book! I guess I can let her dream though!

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