Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Project Playroom - part 1

It has been nearly 2 years since we finished the upstairs, 2 YEARS (nearly)! That means we would have been in Hawaii nearly 2 years already, and now that the new Hawaii 5-0 is on, every time I watch it I am really REALLY sad we didn't move, but then I am quickly snapped back into reality when I realize how lucky I am to have family nearby to help me out with the girls. And not only that, it was the financial part of it.......Hawaii is EXPENSIVE! Anyways, back to the real reason for this post (somehow my mind always wonders, must be from getting old)

The girls (and I) have LOVED having the playroom upstairs. It gives us them a place to go crazy, keep all their toys, and get out of my hair for 10 minutes most days. But I have not been happy with the playroom design and functionality, I have thrown around ideas in my head for the past couple of years, and recently been measuring and moving furniture around to try and find what works best in the space we have. And now I'm finally taking action to do what it takes to get it finished. This weekend was the start to all the mini-projects I have on my list. So basically this post is just to entice you to stay tuned, cause I don't even have pics to show you yet. And I really don't want to reveal the list of all I am planning, so you will just have to be patient. But let me tell you this room is going to ROCK when I'm done with it. I was going to try and have this as part of the girls Christmas gift, but I doubt I will be able to keep them out of there for 5 weeks.

Oh and besides the projects in the playroom I tackled this weekend, I was also able to hang some dry wall too! Yep that's right, my 1st ever drywalling experience. I measured, cut, and hung 3 boards in our attic spaces. I basically just hung them because we had the extra pieces anyways, and I was sick of the exposed insulation every time I had to visit the attic. Which has been a lot these days: getting out winter clothes, putting away summer clothes, and messing with the wonky water heater that wont give me enough hot water to relax in a FULL tub. So the 3 pieces of drywall I hung was enough to let me know that I don't ever want to be a "drywall hanger upper person"! It was nice and fun and productive and all, but it is just not my thing. But it had to be done, and since I have been asking my husband to do it for the past 18 (or so) months, I figured I better just save my breath and do it myself, sorta like this project. Now I just have to get the rest of these extra drywall pieces out of the attic and then, shop vac all the dust.......YIPPEE that's exciting stuff! (NOT!!!)


*Princess Mommy* said...

you pretty much rile. Just thought you should know!

*Princess Mommy* said...

I'm an idiot. I meant RULE. as you can see, I clearly do NOT rule. lol!