Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Funnys

I have to share with you some of the funny things that happened this Halloween "season". I have to call it a "season" because when you celebrate something for like 4 days straight it deserves that term.

When trick or treating here are some of the things that came out of Kaylee's mouth.....

After EVERY house she would come running back to the mommy's and daddy's (who waited by the curb) screaming "I got some candy!" At EVERY house she screamed it, did she think that certain houses wouldnt give her candy?
At this one house all the adults were sitting out in the driveway around a fit pit, talking and handing out candy. Instead of walking up and saying the usual "trick or treat", Kaylee walked up and said "where's MY hot dog". She thought they were grilling hot dogs in the fire pit.
Then there was the house where we knew the owners, Marcus and I were talking with them for about a minute when Kaylee piped up and said "can i have my candy now?"
Then there was the house that let her pick out her own candy from the bowl, and she thought it was appropriate to fill her entire bucket.......and they LET her! She came running back to me saying that she needed a new bucket. I walked her back up to the house and tried to return the extra candy, but the lady refused and told her to keep it.
Oh yeah, and there was a string of houses that she would ask the owners what kind of candy he/she was putting in her bucket, and what was in said candy. Some of the people were quite shocked at her lack of knowledge of candy. When I explained that she doesnt get candy very often, they were even more shocked.
She kept asking if she could have a piece of her candy, and in the same sentence she would ask "will this kind make me throw up tonight?"
The last thing she said was when we were on our way home, Marcus was driving and he either glanced over at me (like he ALWAYS does, and I beg him to keep his eyes on the road) or he was looking back at the girls, I cant remember. Anyways when his eyes returned to the road, he had to apply the brake, not slam on the brakes, but break quickly, because the car in front of us was turning. Kaylee said "daddy watch where you are going, you almost hit that car, and we could have died."
Oh did I mention that we had to ask 5 seperate houses if the girls could use the bathroom, thankfully we knew the people at 4 of those houses, so it wasnt too bad.

SOOOO after 4 days of celebrations and staying up WAY past our bedtimes, we have about 7 pounds of candy, and thats after we picked out all the good candy. All that candy will be dropped off tomorrow at the girls' dentist office, and exchanged for money. That's right ladies, their dentist office is offering $1 for each pound of candy that gets turned in. I think it is a combination effort to keep the kids from eating it and effort to put a smile on some soliders faces. All the candy will be sent overseas to the troops. How awesome is that?!? Hope you all had a fun, happy, and SAFE Halloween!

1 comment:

john, jr. said...

that was the best story ever ... i laughed sooo hard .. people around me were looking at me funny becasue i was literally laughing out loud .... god she cracks me up
