Wednesday, November 24, 2010


This is supposed to be my Wordless Wednesday post. It does have pictures, but it is a bit WORDY...........sorry

I recently scanned and posted tons of old pictures. Most of them were from our trips to Ireland to visit Marcus' family, his mom was born and raised in Ireland, the rest of the family still lives there. So any of you FBers out there know that when you post pictures your friends can comment on them. And I have gotten SO many comments on these old pictures. It has been like a bunch of little "happys" all day, when the comments hit my phone. I LOVE the Irish! I love their sense of humor and quick wit! Whenever we are around the Irish crowd it never fails, my stomach aches from laughter. SO FUN!

so I posted this picture....

...It is Marcus' cousin Niall, best man in our wedding, in the red shorts. And another one of his cousins, Mark, in the blue pants on the left. We are in the backyard of another one of his cousins house, and they rented a blow up gladiator thing. Basically it was a huge rectangle with "platforms" and hitting stick thingys. (sorry for the horrible description). The point of the game is to hit your opponent until they fall off their platform, last man/woman standing wins.

here is a rundown of the comments from this photo so far, I hope they are as funny to you as they are to me, and not one of those "guess you had to be there things"

Marcus: Niall beat Marcus....then I whipped Niall

Me: thats because you have 50+ pounds on him!

Marcus: I think it was more my ninja like reflexes!!

Niall: Ninja like? Good times!!

Pam (another cousin): I remember that was good craic (which is slang for fun)

Mark: I let him win.....he would have cried otherwise

Niall: That's not true Mark. I'm telling on you!


here is the next picture...

Marcus: are seriously running out of excuses!!

Aundrea (another cousin in the pic): Was Niall trying to be taller than Lorcan ???? (Niall is the one at the top with his head cut off, Lorcan is by far the tallest in the family)

Niall: I would go to town on Mark but my head is missing so I'm out!!

Marcus: I'm not even in the picture and I didn't miss the chance!!

Pam: Well the colour of the day was definitely yellow! Niall was decapitated..Marks legs were foil wrapped..the Mammies were in their flowers....Paul wanted to be John Travolta & I was pissed...I lost count of how many West Coast Coolers I drank that night, I didn't think they were sho shtrong :-0

Paul (another cousin in the pic): The hair cut wasnt that bad Niall. Pamala was just back from her Fame audition

Pam: And might I add ...Mr Travolta....I got it :-D Hope all's well with you & yours :-) Px

Marcus: All is good here...Mr Travolta!!

Crista: Who hung Niall from the rafters?

Aundrea: The more I look at this pic the more I see. It's a Classic ! Fair play Pammie

Marcus: I think I was on Niall's shoulders!!


here's another....

Marcus: Im skinny, Niall has hair...and a god awful shirt!!

Audrey (a family friend who is also from Ireland): Niall's shirt is smokin'!!!

Marcus: Say nothin!!

Audrey: c'mon Marcus, can't you come up with a joke (what kind of supposed Irish man are ye???)

Marcus: no jokes here...just illusions, nothin but smoke and mirrors!!

Audrey: well, that was close, but no cigar! ahahahaha

Marcus: Burnie, Burnie...sorry Auds, you won't get it!!

Audrey: hmmm, teaching the kids not to touch anything hot?

Michelle (Niall's girlfriend, notice the 2 l's): Niall still has that shirt.... It's... Well .... It's different I suppose....

Niall: The hassle that shirt caused over the yrs!!

Marcus: And years to come...cyber space is forever!!

Niall: I really dont care. Its my fav of all time!!

Michelle: The fashionista has spoken......

Marcus: Do you hang that shirt up or keep it in a humidor?

Michelle: Upon further Investigation it seems that the cigar shirt in question was put in the skip! Pity about that! (oh and I might add it wasn't me)

Marcus: Moment of silence!!

Niall: ‎:-(

Michelle: ‎: (

Crista: Get a room!

Marcus: Can't keep HIM off me!!

Michele: I know right! They are a little close in this one!


here's another.............

we went on a bus tour of Dublin city....Niall joined us, even though he has lived there his whole life

Marcus: double decker bus in Dublin...who looks like the tourist!!

Michelle: There's always someone trying to get in on the pics heh?

Niall: I wasn't even with them!!

Michelle: The cool looking couple with the shades and then we have the token dork at the back!!! Ha ha!!! Niall I'm joking ........ You know I love you!!!! xxx

Marcus: We had to bring someone to carry our we could find!!

Crista: I think he escaped from my treatment facility...looks familiar.

Niall: Ah Crista did you have to go there?


Basically my point is, if you ever have the chance to hang with some Irish folks dont pass it up, it will be something you never forget. Or even better, if you ever get the chance to visit the beautiful country GO!

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