Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Where's Waldo?


I have been so "out of it" lately. Actually I am pretty much always out of it, but I have learned to cope. Lately has been different, I have been so busy and totally unmotivated to take the time out to even gather my thoughts for more than 2 seconds and write a post. So here goes, this one is going to be total rambling for I dont even know how long (Kaylee is at school and Ainslee is down for her nap, so it looks like I have a good 2.5 hours to dedicate to this post). Go ahead and get comfortable cause Im sure this is going to take awhile!

My sweet little AZ is growing so fast! She is pulling up on everything, but has yet to cruise around when she is standing. She is so cute and cuddly, much more so than Kaylee ever was. She has added many new foods to her diet and loves them all. She has discovered the fun in turning out the light by herself. She laughs hysterically at ANYTHING her sister does. We are STILL waiting on that tooth to pop through, Amma swears she will be potty trained before she get her 1st tooth. She crawls faster than the speed of light. Has begun feeding herself, I know this should have been a skill acquired weeks ago, but sadly I have not really given her the opportunity to practice. I usually just feed her myself, it is faster and much less messy that way. I know I need to get over all that and just let her get messy and learn......I'm working on that.

Time change has rocked our world, Kaylee has decided to give up her nap and we are C.R.A.N.K.Y!!! I hope this non-napping thing is just a phase. Im not ready to have her awake all day.

Besides not napping Kaylee has also decided to start waking up at the crack of dawn. Kaylee has never been one to wake up early, and since the time change she is waking up even earlier than she has been the past couple of weeks. This morning she woke up at 6:35. YES! that was like before the sun even came up. And you know WHY she is waking up early.......because she wants to save her mommy a whopping 25¢! How sweet of her to think of her mothers wallet, when she is depriving me of such precious sleep. Yes, my friends, the 25¢ I am referring to is her DIAPER! She has been staying dry nearly every night and she is waking up so early so she can go to the bathroom! Thanks....but no thanks Kaylee! I think I'll take my extra 1.5 hours sleep and sacrifice the money and the diaper. For some reason I dont think that is how it works though. So for now I am going to be up before the birds so I can let my 2 year old go to the bathroom. At what age can I just let her get out of bed and go to the bathroom by *herfulf?* On the bright side, waking up early does have its advantages. We no longer are rushing to get out the door every morning. We have plenty of time to get everything done, and this morning we were even able to make a quick run to WalMart BEFORE school.

*Kaylee has started enunciating more of her words. She no longer says fulf she says it properly now, which makes me sad.

I have finally started my new job! I am listing photos on Ebay for a friend of mine. Some of you might remember 2 years ago when I started selling those slides on Ebay, well this job is for the same friend. All I have to do is upload the already scanned pictures onto Auctiva (a website that enables you to list more things much quicker onto Ebay), then create my listings with a short description of the pictures and schedule them to list on Ebay. After the items sell I am also responsible for shipping, however, this time Chris is supplying ALL the shipping supplies, so that does not come out of my pocket. I make a good percentage of what sells, and I thrilled to have a little extra cash flowing in! ***Anyone out there in the market for RARE vintage photos (any and all topics, sports, presidential, movie stars, you name it, I got it). If you are interested you can check me out on Ebay "mmeehan5", shoot me an email, or leave a comment, let me know what you are interested in and I am sure I will be able to accommodate!*** This new job has been part of the reason I have neglected my blog lately, it has taken a few extra hours of my time to learn how to work with Auctiva, which will save me lots and lots of time in the future. I hope to have all the kinks worked out and now be able to list many many things in less time.
feel free to take a bathroom break
I am not a fan of Halloween, and pretty much never have been. I cant even remember the last time I dressed up, I dont even remember dressing up as a kid. It has just never been a holiday I got into. Because of this, and my kids early bedtime, this was the first year that we actually participated in the festivities of the holiday. After receiving a HUGE guilt trip from my friends I decided to come up with costumes for the girls. The costumes I chose just sorta fell into my head while in conversation. I decided that the girls were going to be hippies. It was the perfect costume in my mind, #1 easy and #2 it didnt cost anything. I stopped by my moms to pick up some "authentic" hippie attire, and threw her into her tie-dyed shirt and a pair of jeans. It all came together nicely, and I have to admit she was by FAR the best dressed at school for her Halloween party last week. Kaylee loved seeing all the other costumes and really enjoyed trick-or-treating too! (if she only knew I wasnt going to let her eat the candy she collected)
Tomorrow I will begin packing for our upcoming trip to Boston. This trip will be a short one, but we are excited about the game on Sunday and all the other activities that are in store for us. Seeing Auntie Crista and Uncle Harry is a huge PLUS too! I'm sure this trip will do wonders for our sleeping schedule (insert sarcastic laughter) .....it is worth it though.

There is something that I have to get off my chest, it probably isnt "blog worthy" but I have to write about it. My sister has pretty much been out of the picture for the year or so. She went off to college 2 years ago (out of town) and Im pretty sure we spoke more and saw her more when she lived 200 miles away. She came home "to spend more time with Kaylee," those were her words. Anyways so now that she is home, her time is divided between, work, school, boyfriend, and friends. We see her about, well never pretty much. It is really sad, because Kaylee really adores her, and she has probably only seen Ainslee a handful of times. Ok, back to my point of this, she decided that she was going to come hang out with us during her fall break. Her visit consisted of mostly sleeping, and very little spending time with the girls. It was sad, so sad! When I was dropping her off at her car to leave, she asked me to grab her purse out of my car. When I go to grab it for her, I notice a pack of cigarettes right on top. My brother has told me before that she started smoking, but I didnt want to believe him, and she has never told me about it so I havent brought it up.....until I saw that! I questioned her about the said paraphernalia. and you know what her response was.......well she had a couple "excuses" Her first was "that pack is empty!" So I said "Yeah that means you smoked them all!" She said, "I dont smoke all the time, I didnt smoke the whole time at your house!" I responded "You knew I would kick your A** if you even thought about smoking, and besides you didnt have enough waking hours at our house to even think about smoking a cigarette." and this response was the kicker, it almost made me smack some sense into her right then and there. She has "I have to smoke, so I can get a break at work!" I said "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!" She said "I dont get a break unless I have an excuse, so I started smoking so I could have breaks at work." I said "have you ever heard of going to the bathroom?!? THAT is a reason to get a break at work! Not smoking!" I had to end the conversation abruptly before losing my mind! If you dont know me, and havent figured it out by now, I cant stand smoking! And for my little sister, who knows better, to start smoking and then give me the lame excuses she gave trying to justify her ridiculous actions, it just about sent me over the edge! Now that I have that off my chest I feel better.

Today is Muffins with Mom at Kaylee's school. I used to do this with my 4 year olds when I taught, and now it is my turn as a mom. I am so excited! Instead of doing this during snack time, the teacher has elected to do it at the end of the day right before pick-up, to avoid any separation issues from any of the kiddos. Since my child doesnt nap, and always wants a snack after school I figured the timing was a good thing (not that I had any say in the matter anyways). Oh and while I'm on the subject, when we got to school today she dropped her bags, walked in by herfulf, didnt even kiss me good bye or ask me to stay, drop-off was a piece of cake.....hope it will stay that way.

I know there are many other things that I could "update" y'all on, but I figure I better get something to eat while I can. Hope everyone has a fantastic week, and I'll try to be better about posting regularly.

1 comment:

Crista and Harry said...

I had to take 2 bathroom breaks and a cigarette break during that post!