Friday, April 18, 2008

A Day at the Park

Like I said last night, I took Kaylee to the Park in Collierville yesterday. And judging by the way she went down to bed last night we might just be making more trips to the park. She was so worn out after all of her fun that she passed out (I think she was in bed at 5:45).

I cant wait for the water park to open, I am sure she will have a blast with that!

I have added a small slideshow of the pictures from yesterday, but when I look back at them it does not make me remember all the fun we had. I mean I hate being the one with the camera, I want to be there playing with her, not taking pictures. I like to take pictures but then i am never in the pictures (obviously). I would love a little picture fairy to follow us around and take pictures of the whole family together. so anyways, there are a few pictures that i snapped while trying to do too many things at once. i think her favorite part is the swing. Expecially when Oomba pushes her REALLY high! She also just enjoys walking around and talking to herself. But her most favoritest part is definitely the other children. she tries to keep up with the older, faster kids (not a chance with those chubby thighs getting in the way) and the ones that she can get close to she goes up to them and says "HI." Then she tries to 'pet' them and say "eeeaasy girl." That is how we have taught her to be nice to Tahoe so I guess she assumes that goes for people too. Either way she just loves other children, it is really funny to watch
Enjoy the pictures and HAPPY FRIDAY!!!

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