Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Easter Activities

I know it has been FOR.EVVVV.ER since my last post, I apologize to the 3 of you that actually read this blog of mine. I am going to go ahead and warn you I have a LOT of catching up to do, so the next few posts are going to be very picture heavy.

Here are some of the Easter/Spring projects that we have been doing, no that we DID about a month ago!
Shaving cream eggs - the materials

the process

The finished product
these turned out so super nice! we had a great time doing this activity

The aftermath
I striped them down, gave them a pile of shaving cream, a few "tools", and let them go to town. This actually kept them occupied for over 30 minutes! You should try this at home, it was amazing!

Rice Krispy Pops
disclaimer: Ive never made these, cake pops, or anything even remotely similar to these things. And this turned out to be WAY more time consuming than I anticipated. But man was it worth every second, and the fact that we had extra hands to help was crucial to the process!

The girls helped me make the rice krispy treats. Then we lathered up with butter and formed the eggs. Then we put them in the frig to harden over night. It took every last ounce of self control NOT to eat those suckers! 

After they cooled, we dipped the wooden skewers into chocolate then poked one into each egg. After the chocolate hardened then we were able to decorate each one.

While we were attempting to "decorate" Bethany had to eat one that was falling off the stick. She tried to hide it from the girls, since we told them they had to wait until Easter to eat theirs. But nothing slipped by my girls.

I would say she enjoyed every bite!

Here was her pride and joy.

Needless to say the girls didnt do much decorating. They DID a WHOLE LOT OF EATING though! I swear my girls were on a sugar high the rest of the night! And i was cleaning up sprinkles off my floor for weeks despite all the sweeping, vacuuming and mopping!

We attempted some bunnies, it was quite amusing to see how they turned out

Mary called this one a chick

We also made Jolly Rancher cross pops and flower pops
Here is the baskets ready for Easter

Oil Pastel Rub

first we colored the edges of the cross


Then we taped the cross to a blank piece of paper and rubbed the oil pastel off the edge of the cross onto the blank paper


Then we water colored the sky and grass

Bunny hiding in the grass

Eggs decorated with white crayons then painted with water colors
naturally the crayons repel the water colors and leave a nicely decorated egg

Easter at my parents house
The girls and their loot

Shaved/Melted crayon dyed eggs

Easter Morning Breakfast

All my Easter Bunnies


the big ones

 We had a spectacular Easter! And hope you all did too!

1 comment:

gloverfamily said...

SO fun!! I love all of the projects. You all are so creative!