Thursday, June 16, 2011

Blooming with Excitement

I am so excited I can barely contain myself! I'm sure most of you wont agree with me but a mini-miracle has happened right here at my house!

Me, the one with the blackest thumb known to man, the one with basically NO knowledge of how to keep alive grow living things (other than children), the one who just wants to feed her family healthy homegrown foods, has SUCCEEDED! Well not exactly 100% yet, but I am well on my way! Call me crazy, call me nuts, call me whatever you like, but I have 2 cucumbers and 1 zucchini who decided to brighten my day (actually my week!). Here's what I found this morning when I went out to water my plants.

my little tiny cucumber!

here's the other cucumber

and the zucchini

I check everyday, sometimes 2 or 3 times a day to see if there is any activity on each of the plants. I have been watering them like crazy, they have been getting bigger, and flowering, but nothing has happened.......until today! YIPPEE SKIPPEE! In a couple of days, we will be feasting on 2 cukes and one zucchini, I am so excited! Now if i can just keep this good thing going and get a few peppers and tomatoes out of the deal. Oh, which reminds me, my tomatoes are flowering a little bit, but i have a feeling it will be a few more weeks until/if we see an exciting activity out of them.

Hope you all are having a fantastic Thursday!

1 comment:

Damie said...

OMG, so funny. love it ;) and, I am proud of you- little gardener :)