Saturday, June 11, 2011

Amma's House

As I mentioned before the girls spent the night with Amma on the night of my birthday. Mom took Kaylee to VBS with her the next day while my dad and sister entertained Ainslee. Kaylee loved VBS so much that she begged Amma to take her the following day, which was Tuesday. I never did sign her up this year because I knew it would be out of the question for me to drive her in every morning for 5 mornings. But since mom works VBS and is a big part in it, she said Kaylee could come with her. So Kaylee spent the night with Amma AGAIN Monday night, while Ainslee and I headed home. Then Tuesday we were all three headed home to sleep and about 30 minutes before bedtime the power goes out. After 45 minutes of no power the temp had already climbed 3 degrees in the house, and I knew that there was no telling when/if we would get power back, so I packed the girls up and we all headed back to Amma's house. I got the girls straight to bed and then about 30 minutes later I get the news (from a neighbor) that the power was back on after 2 hours of being out. But I decided to stay anyways, the girls were both down already, and there was no guarantee the power would stay on all night. This was Kaylee's 3rd night staying at Amma's.

Wednesday night, I had already scheduled the girls to spend the night with Amma so I could go out to a Alumni Soccer Pizza Party. dont everyone stop breathing like I almost did, I know this is like my first girls night in like probably 4 years! I asked my mom to keep the girls before I knew about her watching them for my birthday, before I knew Kaylee would beg to spend a second night, and obviously before I knew our power would go out. So I felt kinda of bad about them spending the night again but I figured at some point I have to be a little tiny bit selfish about getting time with BIG girls. So I dropped the girls as planned, already fed, bathed, and dressed for bed, and enjoyed the rest of the drive to the partay with my friend Roni. I, by the way, had a fabulous time, chatting with all the ole timers, and meeting all the youngins. We made our own pizzas, i brought my own GF pizza. It was a great night!

I picked up both girls Thursday early afternoon, and headed home, it was really weird having both of them back in the house together after four days of craziness. You wouldve thought I had had the time to cook, clean, do laundry, etc, but the house was a mess, dinners were non-existent, and the laundry is piling up by the second. I am dying to get some energy back!

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