Saturday, April 9, 2011

Soccer Girl

I can NOT believe that I have a child old enough for soccer. But here is our budding star moments before she rocked the field at her first practice.
Ainslee wanted to get in the pictures, but quickly changed her mind

here she is doing her thing

Ainslee would run a few steps onto the field and scream at Kaylee when she was "doing something wrong"

And after she worked so hard "coaching" she needed some water

did you see that move?

check out her form

I cant wait until this little spectator gets her piece of the action


There was a lot of playing in the dirt/sand, a lot of ignored instructions from the coach, a lot of wandering (even onto adjacent fields), a lot of playing/talking with the teammates, a lot of people watching, and a lot of "hand balling"
Needless to say we have a LOT of learning to do. And a bit of practice too. But it was funny, oooohhhh SO funny to watch! And today is her 1st game, maybe there will be some more good laughs in store.

oh and after her game we have 2 birthday parties, all while skipping nap time......ooohhhh it is going to be a FUN day!

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