Thursday, April 7, 2011

Our Day

My day is only 1/2 over at this point and I am about to pass out already. This morning I awoke at 3:30AM and luckily was able to get myself back to sleep after being up for 2 hours. I was woken up, for the 2nd time, by a certain 4 year old who thought it would be cool to give me a little tap tap tap on my forehead. Sweet! Thus my day had officially begun. Since then I have successfully gotten out of the house ON TIME, stopped on the way in to town to pick up eggs from our local "egg lady" (as Kaylee and Ainslee call her), then stop at my parents to drop off the eggs and other items to be put in the frig, then on to the bank, and finally to drop Kaylee off at school. After drop-off some of the moms went for another walk, this time 2 laps instead of 1, so it was probably about 3.5 miles. I feel so good after I get my heart rate up a bit, I dont know why I dont do it more often. After the nice brisk walk Ainslee and I headed to the chiropractor, then back to my parents for lunch and nap. Immediately after I put her down, I had to leave and pick up Kaylee from school, brought her back to moms to take her nap (since she doesnt nap at school). Today she HAS to take a nap because she has her first soccer practice tonight. And when I say toNIGHT I dont mean this afternoon! Her practice is from 6:30-7:30! Who in their right mind thinks that it is appropriate for 4 YEAR OLDS to have practice that late??? Can you tell how happy I am about this situation? But I feel like "how will she ever follow in her mother's footsteps, in the soccer playing department, if she doesnt go to practice?" HAHAHAHA! who am I kidding? But it sure does make me laugh to think about her playing tonight, I am quite eager to see her skinny little self out there attempting to play the sport i LOVE! I will remember my camera I will remember my camera I will remember my camera I WILL remember my camera, maybe if I type that enough I will actually bring the camera with me! Ok back to my day, so after she naps I have to take her to the chiropractor for her adjustment, then to the dry cleaners to pick up daddy's pants for work, he would be REALLY mad if we forgot that tiny detail of the day. Then home to eat dinner. After dinner we will head on over to the fields, get some exercise and have a little laugh at Kaylee's expense, before heading home for baths and bed. It is so nice to be busy, I love having activities to do, it makes me feel like I have an interesting and fun life. And you know whats funny, on days like today I always feel "normal", on regular old blah days I feel like I have lost my head, I forget everything EVERYTHING, I cant get myself together on those days, but it seems like the more stuff I have to do and think about the more focused I am. Crazy I know! Hope y'all had an interesting, fun, and productive day too!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Go put the camera in the car NOW. :) Have fun, Kaylee!