Monday, April 11, 2011

Ainslee's Ramblings (more added)

Ainslee's vocabulary has really picked up over the past couple of weeks. She has had a lot of words, but it just seems like she is putting more together and saying more things hard to explain

Some of my favorites are:

"mm-on" which means, come on, as in follow me i have something to show you

"mere", which means, come here

"jout" which means, watch out, this is personally one of my favorite things she says, I LOVE it when she says it

Or here is a little scenario that happened in the car the other day. Kaylee was playing the iPad when Ainslee looked over and saw something in her mouth. Ainslee said "mommy K mouth chew." i said Kaylee what is in your mouth? She answered by opening her mouth and revealing a piece of paper she was chewing on (BTW this is a problem with her, she chews on random stuff......pica???) So I immediately asked her to take the paper out of her mouth, keep in mind I am driving, she refuses to take the paper out so I pull an Inspector gadget "go-go gadget arm" move and reach back and pull the iPad off her lap, she still refuses to take the paper out of her mouth, and as Im about to pull over she finally takes it out and throws it on the floor (and Marcus wonders why my car looks the way it does!). She gets upset when I give the iPad to Ainslee and continues to throw a huge fit. A few minutes after she was finished with her pity party she asks if she can have the iPad back, before I could get anything out of my mouth Ainslee says "No iPad K gum mouth BOLD!" Ainslee continued playing and Kaylee didnt ask for the iPad again.

She calls her bottom a "boooDEE", and we mess with it just to get her to say the word

Both my children love to be scared. You can jump out and scare them and they laugh and laugh and ask for you to do it again. Yesterday I scared Ainslee with a LOUD roar! and when you ask Ainslee how I scared her she says "rrraaaooorrrr" in the quietest whisper.

Today when we were playing outside she heard an ambulance she said "momma ambula." I said YES Ainslee do you hear the ambulance? She said, with a sad look on her face, "sick momma." As in someone is sick in the ambulance. She is so sweet, thoughtful, caring, and compassionate. If she even thinks someone has gotten hurt she will immediately try and kiss the booboo. But if she cant reach you (like if she is in her car seat) she will just make the kissing sound and say "Okay okay momma?"

I know there are other cute sayings/phrases she has, but I cant think of them at the moment.

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