Monday, March 15, 2010


I bought Kaylee some summer shoes the other day. The cute.the versatile.the stylyin.......JELLIES! She had a pair last summer*** they seemed to go with EVERYTHING! I just loved them (and so did she)! So this year my friend and I were on a search for more. I found some at Old Navy (that's where I bought hers last summer). She was SO excited when I showed them to her. She wanted to wear them immediately. So I let her.......ALL DAY! Big mistake! As you all know my child has some sort of deficiency when it comes to her pain receptors, I mean she doesnt feel pain! So she walked around all day long letting those shoes rub her feet RAW! and I mean raw! The tops of her feet the backs of her heels, the poor little baby has blist-hurts all over her feet now. So now she fears the jellies! Great! Why didnt I think to check her feet throughout the day.....I'm such an idiot!

After we noticed the blist-hurts we tried putting bandaids on them to make it easier for her to wear her other shoes, it was a complete FIGHT to put those darn bandaids on her. She wanted nothing to do with them! When I managed to get them on her she was fine, I guess she thought they were going to hurt or something, despite me reassuring her they werent. Then nighttime came and I thought it would be better if we let her blist-hurts breath so they would dry out and heal quicker. Trying to get the bandaids off was an even bigger ordeal than trying to put them on. Holy Moly that girl!

So now that the blist-hurts are healed, we are going to give those jellies another shot........well when the weather warms up again........COME ON SPRING!

***she was wearing a size 7 last summer, by the end of the summer she was growing out of her 7.5's and pushing into a size 8. Ainslee on the other hand is STILL in a size 3. That is so weird to me. She has such small hands and feet, they are unproportional to that big belly she has hanging out in front. We have a shoe store FULL of shoes, but NONE that are small enough to fit Ainslee. Put it this way, Kaylee's "1st shoe" was a size 4! She is now wearing an 11 or 12 in some brands.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Poor baby! Hope those yucky old 'blist-hurts' heal very quickly. :)