Monday, March 1, 2010


I am currently in the process of finding the girls a new pediatrician. I am struggling with this decision A LOT!!! Sometimes I feel like I am crazy for the way I feel. It is not that something terrible has happened with our current doctor I just dont feel like she (or the practice) is the right "fit" for us. I cant really put my finger on the problem, lets just say......i dont feel happy/ satisfied/ comfortable with them. I dont leave there feeling good. I want more from our pediatrician. I am going to have a relationship with this person (through my children) for the next 18 years, and I want it to be a good one.

is that too much to ask for? Am I crazy?

Does anyone have any tips/ advise/ suggestions WHATEVER, to help me in my search?


Kelli said...

Well, crud...I was going to ask YOU for advice and/or a recommendation! :)

I don't really want to go to one of those groups where your just a link in the assembly line...what a lot of the offices in this area are like. Let me know who you used previously and what you decide, too...over the phone, of ocurse. :)

I think you HAVE to be comfortable and completely satisfied with the ped you chose...I know that you won't settle for less than what's best for the girls. :) Talk to you soon!

Brenda said...

I mentioned earlier, but Dr. Alison Stiles or Dr. Nelson from Harbor of Health are very small groups, hands on, vax friendly, natural/althernative med friendly. Don't push antibiotics at every turn either:)