Monday, January 11, 2010

Birthday Party Pictures

Kaylee's party was yesterday, with another year of just having a small family party. Maybe next year we will do the "friend" party too, but we will see. Both Amma's, Abba, Uncle Johnny, Aunt Mary, and Aunt Ceire all came out to our house. I made dinner, we opened presents, had cupcakes, played, and watched the video DVD my mom made of Kaylee with pictures, videos, and songs from last year. It is such a sweet little reminder of her year as a 2 year old.

I have a few explanations for the pictures in the slideshow below.
The 1st picture shows Kaylee holding up 3 fingers (one for each year of her age)***
The 4th picture shows Kaylee wearing some jammies she got that she just HAD to put on, so she put them on over her clothes and wore them the entire party.
Towards the end when you see her eating her cupcake on the TV tray, we were all settling in to watch the DVD my mom made for her. She was so excited to see herself on TV
*** Our little family doesnt have any "traditions" yet, for anything. I have been trying to come up with somethings that we can start doing that we can do each year, and the kids can grow up with those memories of doing the same thing each year. So far all I have been able to come up with is this.....each year on the child's birthday (or in this case, 3 days late on the party day) the child will hold up how old they are on their fingers. I know this is a small little tradition, but I hope that we are able to keep it up, and remember to take the pictures each year. Before Ainslee was born I really wanted to document her growth by taking the pictures of her next to the same thing on certain days (ie 1 week, 2 w, 3 w, 1 month, 2 month, etc) sadly I didnt do that, and I regret it, I really regret it. Maybe that can be my goal for our next child (should we have one).

1 comment:

hughesfamily said...

This is precious! Makes me excited about all of the upcoming things...I love that she put the pajamas on because she was so excited. Too cute.