Friday, November 25, 2011

Updates on Everyone and Everything

Lots has been going on around here and I feel like this ole forgotten blog needs an update, so here goes in bullet format
  • I am 3cm dialated and 50% effaced. I could potentially walk around like this for weeks, but my doc seems to think Im going to go early. We will see! I have my birth plan almost finalized, I went on a tour of the new hospital and I have begun all the nesting routines around here. I think we are just about as ready (as we will ever be) to bring this baby home! My next appointment is Monday, cant wait to see if I have made anymore progress.
  • The girls are trying to get sick again. Just a little head cold, but anything that makes our days harder is NOT welcome around here. I have to say they both handle being sick very well all things considered. So I cant complain too much. I just hope they are better before baby arrives.
  • We STILL havent completely narrowed down names for this little one, that should probably be moved to the top of the TO DO list.
    I recently got my new stroller and am IN LOVE with it! It is the Baby Jogger City Select, I got it on super sale with the second seat and adaptor. It is so versitale and easy to use. Cant wait to cart the wee one around in it. Marcus and I decided it was our Christmas gift to each other, so we will enjoy bringing home a new baby as our Christmas gift to each other as well as giving gifts to the girls.
  • Christmas shopping for everyone else is just about 1/2 finished. I would like to be farther along in this category.
  • I am hoping to get the Christmas decorations down today and up over the next couple of days. I told Marcus if we dont have our tree up by next weekend we arent getting one. I really hope that he comes through and gets his girls a tree so we can decorate it.
  • Oh almost forgot, we had a fabulous Thanksgiving with my family yesterday, and will celebrate with Marcus' family on Sunday. It is really nice to spread it out, cause I cant fit much in my smoshed stomach, and I just love eating Thanksgiving food!
  • I am still in the process of getting Kaylee's room upstairs ready, I really wanted to have it painted by now,. but that has NOT happened. Ainslee has been asking lately to sleep in a big girl bed. She is excited about getting out of her crib. But she still doesnt try to climb out of her crib by herself......thankfully!
  • One of my bestest friends is moving away from me! She is not only the closest in proximity to me, but our girls get along, and we are so similar in our beliefs and how we raise our girls. Not to mention she is my biggest home school support person. She isnt moving far from here (4 hour drive) but she will be missed more than words can describe.
  • Speaking of home school it has sort of taken a back seat lately. Between me not feeling well, finishing our current curriculum, the girls spending the night out, and the holiday we havent been doing much in the school department. I still feel like she has gotten WAY more "education" at home than she would have going to MDO 2 days a week, so I dont feel too bad about taking an extended break.
  • Kaylee has been more and more into watching movies lately she is still quite particular with what holds her attention. It is so adorable to watch the 2 of them watching a movie and Ainslee turning to Kaylee to ask quesitons about what is going on or why things are happening in the movie. Kaylee takes the time to explain it to her sister. They can be SO super sweet to each other it nearly makes me cry.
I know I have more updates, but once again my brain has failed me.......besides this is probably enough to bore you for one day.


gloverfamily said...

so exciting about the baby!!

Rachel said...

Not much longer!! I hope you guys had a wonderful Thanksgiving :)
I am sorry to hear your friend is moving, that's such a bummer!! Hopefully you will get to road trip to visit each other, that's always fun!