Sunday, August 28, 2011

Consignment Sale

I participated in the consignment sale, that I have been for the past 4 years, again this fall. I surveyed the girls fall/winter clothes and figured out what clothes were needed. Kaylee has out grown most of her size 5 jeans/pants, so it was on to the next size up for her. I cant believe that i shopped in that "big girl" section for my 4 year old! She has really grown a lot over the past couple of weeks.

I had a goal set in mind to spend about $100 on the sale, which included any toys/games/educational items I found. I was able to squeak out of there only $10 over my budget, I probably should have put some of the shirts back, but it was hard to pass up shirts that were $1 or $2. The best part of the sale came when I was given MY check for the items I entered into the sale. I put in about 120 items (didnt sell all of them) and was able to make $96.75!!! I was thrilled! The sale paid out a whopping 86% this time, which is considerably higher than other consignment sales. So total I got rid of clothes the girls don't/didnt wear AND bought clothes we needed all for $13.25! YIPPEE SKIPPEE!!! Oh and I got to socialize and have some nice time away from the girls during my shifts at the sale. It is always nice to get a break even if I was technically "working". The best item I think i scored was an Llbean parka for Kaylee that was in fantastic condition for 7 BUCKS! A jacket like that would be at least $80 if purchased new, and the Llbean brand cant be beat. If anything ever happens to it, i can send it back.
The only thing that i wish I would have been able to find more of was shoes. Her foot will not stop growing, she is wearing a 13 in some brands and up to a size 1 (big girls) in others. So I guess we will be buying shoes brand new this year, hopefully i can find some good sales somewhere.

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