Thursday, August 25, 2011

Cleanse Recap

As I mentioned a while back, I did a 7 day cleanse. I thoroughly enjoyed this experience and would suggest it to just about anyone! It has me thinking differently about food and making healthier choice for myself and my family. Dont get me wrong we still endulge in some perfectly unhealthy foods from time to time, but the addition of "good stuff" has been welcomed by all! Our lastest unhealthy dessert, but it was oh so yummy, was chocolate fondue. We dipped pretzels, strawberries, bananas (frozen and fresh), clementines, and marshmellows. The girls ate like they hadnt eaten in years, and loved every last bite.

Back to my while on the cleanse, my only complaint was the prep time of my meals. Im sure it will get easier and easier as I become more and more acquainted cokking with different ingredients. Because I plan on completely this cleanse between 3 and 4 times a year. The benefits were so amazing. I had SO much more energy, my mood increased dramatically, I no longer woke up in the middle of the night and lay there sleepless for hours, i felt better and "lighter". It was awesome!

Basically the cleanse had me give up meat (which I had already done voluntarily due to pregnancy and just not wanting to eat meat), gluten (which I obviously dont eat anyways), corn, soy, alcohol, and dairy. After reading that list you might wonder what I did eat, basically fruits, veggies, quinoa (my new favorite food) and beans. During the cleanse the food I craved most was cheese, but after the cleanse I didnt even jump back in to eating cheese immediately, I think it wasnt until like the 3rd day after that I thought to myself "man I still havent had any cheese, and that's what I missed the most". It was strange. Now I still eat cheese, but no where near as much as I did pre-cleanse. I also made a smoothie each day of the cleanse, and the girls loved helping me "experiment" with our recipes. We all realy loved having smoothies, and I loved that they were packed with good stuff and tasted yummy too. We still incorporate smoothies into our "almost" everyday routine.

If you have any questions about the cleanse, or would like more info about which one I did, let me know and I will be glad to share with you. Even if you dont want to do a "cleanse" you should consider trying out some easy, heathly, and delicious smoothies.

I also made homemade Lara bars for snacks. Here were my ingredients: raw unsalted almonds, raw unsalted cashews, dates, unsweetened coconut, GF oatmeal, vanilla, and chocolate. I mad e2 different kinds one was chocolate coconut and cashew. the other was almond crunch. They were both delicious! Try it for yourself, these puppies are EXPENSIVE to buy, but easy to make your own.

The chocolate and dates all processed up, it might not look delicious, but it is!

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