Thursday, May 5, 2011


Our Easter was quite fantastic! We had 2 days worth of fun and excitement, as well as all the days leading up to it. We had many "practice hunts" in our backyard and inside our house. Saturday we spent Easter with my family at my parents house. The picture below is the girls during their egg hunt their. You can really tell the difference in the girls in this picture. Kaylee excited to conquer the world and explore anything, Ainslee calm, reserved, and slightly nervous with new experiences. She sits back and watches and waits until she is comfortable......even if it means missing out on some of the eggs.

Once she got comfortable she joined in on the fun, and spotted some of the ones that were hidden in the more discrete locations

Kaylee wondering what the heck I am doing taking pictures

The girls spotted an airplane, which was obviously much more interesting than finding eggs

Easter Sunday was spent at Marcus' moms house. But before we went there we stopped by my parents for a few photos. Here are the girls with their Abba. They love and adore him, mostly because he feeds them ALL the time!

This picture was perfect in my eyes. Amma and Kaylee were looking at the camera, prepare for the upcoming pictures, Ainslee with her mouth wide open shocked at whatever my sister is doing behind me to make them look and smile, and my dad completely NOT paying attention to the camera. I swear I wonder sometimes who is more difficult, my dad or the girls.

Even though this one is dark it is the best shot of all 4 of them looking at the camera and smiling

Our little family

My crazy girls

I didn't get many pictures at my MIL's house but here are a few. Kaylee going through her Easter basket to see what goodies were in there.

Ainslee deciding which piece of candy she was going to eat

All in all we had a FANTASTIC weekend!

Oh man I just realize I should post the picture of them with the Easter bunny; however, it is at home, so it will just have to wait for another post.

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