Friday, May 6, 2011


We recently made a trip up to Boston to visit our NEW, one and only niece. It was a really last minute trip that we put together in about 10 days. We got a crazy good deal on the tickets, so we just decided to jump on it. Not only did we get a little "get-away" vacation to meet our new niece, oh and hang out with her parents too, but who cares about the parents once the babies are born? HAHAHA jk Crista and Harry we enjoyed hanging out with you too! So we got our get-away, but we also escaped all the crazy storms and rain that ravaged the south. It was quite scary watching/reading all the news footage from thousands of miles away.

We forgot to bring our camera on this trip so all we were able to capture were some pics on our phones. Here's what I got.....

Boston State House

dates back to 1713, and in 1776 the Declaration of Independence was read from its balcony for the first time in Massachusetts

One night Crista and Harry treated us to dinner at the Boston College club. A private club on the 36th floor. Here is our view from our table, Boston really is such a cool city!

Ans here is Boston at night from dinner

Ainslee at the Children's Museum

Girls sitting in tiny chairs at the museum

Kaylee LOVED the "tools" exhibit. She got to use many different types of tools

Just hanging out in a little house

Kaylee 44" tall

Ainslee 34" tall

The girls preparing for a meal in a tent in the "Torn from Home" refugee exhibit

The girls even shared what little meal they had with their sweet

Kaylee using the latrine at the refugee camp

Ainslee was quite good at "popping a squat"

Kaylee playing the steel drums

Ainslee crawling through the tunnel in the construction zone

Kaylee driving the bobcat

Ainslee driving the bobcat

Here Kaylee is driving a REALLY old fire truck at the Fire Museum

Both girls riding in the fire truck, I think Ainslee is telling Kaylee which way to go

Hanging out in the public garden

riding the carousel with Auntie Crista

We ate at PF Changs one night and they gave the girls Wikki Stix, we all had fun playing with them, here are the glasses I made the girls

The girls were AWESOME on this trip! They slept really well, they ate good, they behaved (as much as you can expect a 2 and 4 year old to), they were as sweet as they could be to their new niece, and they did great on the flights (even with the delays). Here is Ainslee chillin' on one of the flights. It is getting easier and easier to travel with them as they get older. And they both love travelling!

Boston: we had another great visit, but man are we glad to be home! Hope to see you all again soon!

1 comment:

Crista and Harry said...

We miss you guys so much!!! Thank you so much for coming to visit.