Friday, January 14, 2011

Sickness and Thankfulness

Don't be fooled by my recent surge in blog posts the past couple of days. I actually wrote them all one night (and the next morning) earlier in the week. Before I came down with this crazy sickness that has left me completely helpless. Monday I woke up with a slight cough that I knew wasn't going to be a good situation. It had that "sick" taste to it, that sounds weird but there is a distinct difference in my "sick" cough and my just regular 'ole cough. I just knew it was going to turn in to more than a cough. And I was right. Tuesday evening I was sitting on the couch with Kaylee looking at some of her baby pictures (which is her new favorite past time), all of a sudden I began to ache. And it got worse and worse by the minute. It was setting in F.A.S.T!!! I went into our room where Marcus was getting ready for work and immediately he told me I didn't look good. I told him I was about to put Kaylee to bed and then I was going to bed myself. And that's what I did. That night I got ok sleep, throughout the night I ached I ached in between my toes, I ached EVERYWHERE! But then Wednesday morning I couldn't move. I couldn't get out of bed, I could barely sit up. Kaylee came in to our room with her new doctor kit that she got for her birthday and wanted to "listen to my heart" and "check me out". I would've cried laying there not being able to care for her, but I couldn't, I didn't have the energy. She played nicely on the floor in our room while we waited for Marcus to get home, and Ainslee still soundly asleep. Once Marcus got home he stayed awake doing various things around the house and getting the girls' morning started, while I slept some more. I knew he had to sleep so I got up and went to the couch, hoping if I was in a central location I could at least look after the girls. I realized quickly that was not going to be an option. So I called my mom. She dropped everything and came out to the house. She came in to find me helpless on the couch while the girls played upstairs. She joined them and I went back to bed. I stayed in bed all day, and finally she decided it was best if she just took them home with her for the evening. Well that "1 evening" has now turned into 3 nights. I am still running a fever, which was topped out at nearly 102*. I NEVER get a fever, like never EVER!!! So for me to have a fever that high, is like normal people having a 102*-103*. And then for me to have it for multiple days, I knew I was sick. I didn't plan on going to the doctor, because even if it was the flu (and I was certain it was) what would they do for me? But when I woke up Thursday morning and tried to call out for Marcus, and nothing came out of my mouth I knew that something had to be done. My throat was so swollen no sound could be made, and if I was able to squeak some sound out it was minimal. I had Marcus call my doc and make an appointment, and I began getting ready to leave. After nearly 2 hours in the doctors office, a 1/2 gallon of blood, strep test, and flu test later, the doctor confirmed that I most likely had a bacterial infection. He suggested a shot in my arse, I hesitated, but in the end I got the shot.......AND the oral antibiotics. He told me it was still best if I wasn't around the girls, especially when my fever was still up. So my mom offered to keep the girls ANOTHER night! I was so thankful, and I really felt like I was on the road to recovery. But then Thursday night came, and I couldn't sleep, it was the worst night of the sickness, by far! I woke up this morning and STILL had my fever! I called my mom for an update on the girls and she insisted that I was in NO condition to care for them. So she has offered to keep them yet another night! I am beyond thankful! and appreciative! I have no idea how we would've survived without her help! I have tried to focus on resting and getting better. I miss the girls terribly, but I know that i HAVE to get better! It has definitely been nice being able to focus on me and my health, knowing that the girls are cared for and happy. And I, for only like the 3rd time in my life, have been completely selfish. I haven't done anything except rest. The house is falling to pieces around me, and that kills me, but I know that I need to get better, so that comes first! So here i sit down 6 pounds in 3 days, have only eaten 2 bananas, 1/2 cup of applesauce, a tiny bowl of soup with crackers, and a piece of corn bread since dinner Tuesday night. And I haven't even eaten anything today. Through all of this I sit here being thankful, thankful I am alive, thankful for the health of my babies, thankful for MY health (the rest of the 350+ days of the year), thankful for the help I get when I need it most, thankful for a kind, loving, caring, compassionate husband, and thankful for family. I am so abundantly blessed and I am THANKFUL for every single bit of it.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Oh goodness!!! I am so sorry you are so sick! That's no fun! Hope you are feeling better soon!