Friday, January 28, 2011


I am sick.......again! I now have the FLU! It sucks! Thankfully I feel like I am on the road to recovery now. My fever is down, I only hack up 1 lung (instead of both) about 4 times a day (compared to like 20), and my energy level is coming back. When I got sick 2 weeks ago I thought that was bad enough. Then when I got sick this time all I could think about was wishing it would be like 2 weeks ago. This flu thing hit me hard, but in a different way. It wasn't like the last time I had the flu 10 years ago, but it was hard for other reasons. All my symptoms hit at once, unlike my last sickness where one day I had this symptom, the next day was something different, but at least it wasn't all on the same day.

So this go around here's what happened. The girls and I took a trip to St Louis this past weekend. My parents were buying a new car up there so I offered to go along, just in case their trade in didn't make the trip. So my parents bought the car and returned home the next day. The girls and I stayed at my awesome friend's house for the weekend. When we returned home Monday evening, I told Marcus I just didn't feel well. I just assumed that i was exhausted from the weekend and the drive. So i left the girls with him and took a bath. But it kept getting worse. He went to work and I put the girls to bed and climbed in my bed at 7:15. I was EXHAUSTED! Tuesday morning we woke up and I took Kaylee to school and headed to Kindermusik with Ainslee. As I was pulling into the parking lot I got a call from the teacher saying the entire semester of classes was cancelled. GREAT! PERFECT! So we went to mom's house for lunch and nap. Mom and I picked up Kaylee early from school and went to get our allergy shots. All day I felt myself getting weaker and weaker, the cough started to consume every minute of my life. it was bad, I felt like my brother was sitting on my chest. We all came home and I made dinner. After I put the girls to bed I went to sleep early again. Wednesday i barely made it off the couch. My fever started to rise, and I knew I had to make another doctor's appointment. So Thursday morning I was back at the doctor's office (for the 3rd time in 2 weeks!!!) 2 weeks ago I was certain I had the flu, but i didn't, and this time I was certain it wasn't the flu and it was. Goes to show what I know. Because of my horrendous cough and the sound in my lungs the doctor decided to give me a breathing treatment. I sat there for 15 minutes breathing in this gaseous stuff through a tube, and after about 10 minutes I felt it happening. I took a few breaks from the treatment to see if I could stop it, but it was inevitable. I made my way to the bed (I was previously sitting in the chair) and began to hyperventilate. I was so weak I couldn't even call for help. Thankfully my breathing treatment was over and the nurse was coming to check on me anyways. She immediately called for help and after about 30 minutes I was nearly back to "normal", well flu-stricken "normal". They wouldn't release me to drive, so I had to call Marcus to come get me. He, thankfully, had taken the night before off work, and taken Kaylee to school for me that morning and Ainslee to her new Kindermusik class, then he came by to get me. He got me lunch, brought me home, put me in the bed, went to get my meds, and jumped at my every demand.
This time, unlike last time, I actually have an appetite. I WANT to eat, it is quite strange. I think that has helped speed my recovery, along with all the rest I've gotten. I was able to get 12 hours of sleep last night after taking my cough syrup. My doctor warned me it might make me drowsy......and it did! The sleep has done my body good. Today I feel better, not 100% but definitely better! My parents, once again, have come to my rescue and helped with the girls. This time my mom isn't quite feeling well either so my dad has taken on most of the work himself. I am SO THANKFUL! I will most likely get the girls back tomorrow, and we can begin again. I sure hope that this is my last sickness for the next 10 years. The sad part about it is i typically don't get sick like this, and if i do it is like once a year. I hope and pray that the girls evade this sickness as well. I am a little nervous about Ainslee, I fear she might be coming down with something, pray pray pray its NOT the flu!

Here's to hoping for a HEALTHY 2011!

1 comment:

*Princess Mommy* said...

get better! I haven't seen you girls in forever!