Thursday, June 10, 2010

Potty talk

Last week when Ainslee had her swim lessons I decided to take the "*little potty*" with me so that she could go to the bathroom before I put her swim diaper on. And it didn't occur to me until I was about to put her on it, that that was the FIRST time I she had even seen the potty let alone SIT on it! Needless to say she wasn't too thrilled with the idea of the little potty and therefore she refused to go pee pees on it. I decided then that I needed to bring the little potty inside and let her get acquainted with it.

hold on let me rewind and tell you about this little potty........This little potty has been a life saver, a true LIFE SAVER! I mean it has gone EVERYWHERE with us, including Mexico (Kaylee peed in it on the plane!), it was poolside with us during her second summer, it stays in the back of the car for those emergencies on the side of the road when we didn't have time to pull over and run into a store to use the potty, I'm telling you it has been GREAT! I keep it in a black waterproof duffel bag. I keep extra wipes and some plastic bags in the big bag too. I can cover the potty with the plastic bag if I know she has to do #2 that way there is no clean up involved. I'm telling you that if you don't have a little bitty potty and you want to train your children it is an invaluable purchase. I will have to say that this potty is one reason why she was completely trained at 17 months!

Ok back to my story! I have never actually been a "fan" of little potties. the little potty I am referring to was a hand-me-down gift from a friend that said "use, throw it away, i don't care what you do with it." And I almost did throw it away, SOOOOOO glad I didn't. And we did purchase our own potty for Kaylee when she just started learning, and she would use it every now and then. But I would mostly put her on the big potty. She was never scared of the big potty and neither was Ainslee. (Well unless they flush by themselves, then Kaylee had a slight fear of them last summer!) And the little potty we bought doubles as a step stool, which is perfect for our cramped bathroom. Another reason why I always put my girls on the big potty is just plain laziness. I don't want to clean poo out of a little potty if I don't have to! how did I get off my story again?

So I brought the little potty inside and put it in the living room, i figured I would let her explore it, sit on it, do whatever, at her own pace. She immediately noticed something was out of place. So she grabbed the potty and brought it to me. She hates it when things are out of place. I said to her, "no Ainslee this is your little potty, mommy wants to see you do pee pees on the little potty." And I escorted her to the potty and sat her down on it. She sat there grunted like she was trying to poo and then got up and ran off. I giggled and went back to what I was doing. For the next 1.5 hours as she played and I did my chores and things around the house, every so often I would see her go over to the little potty sit down (usually backwards) and grunt look down to see and then get up and run off. It was hilarious! I mean she did this like 30 times!!! Nothing ever came out, I knew she had to go potty so I put her back on the little one, and she wouldn't go, so i put her on the big one and she immediately went. So I'm not sure if she is scared of the little one, or what, but she wont go in it. BUMMER! I am going to keep working with her on it, i mean it was her first day and all! Oh and she thinks it is a place to keep her toys, I hope she never puts them in there when she has pee pees in it.

*the link to the picture of the potty is not the EXACT one we have but an older, much older, version*

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