Sunday, May 30, 2010

CAR SEAT SAFETY - a must read for all parents!

I know how precious every child is to their parents, and everyone around them for that matter. I couldnt imagine purposefully endangering the life of my child. I know that I probably have unknowingly endangered them, and that thought scares me to death! I figure my job as a parent to #1 love them, #2 keep them safe, #3 teach them right from wrong, and the list goes on and on. One of the easiest ways to keep them safe is by using all "baby gear" appropriately. The most important piece of equipment I believe that this applies to is his/ her car seat. The national transportation and safety board estimates that 80% of car seats are incorrectly installed. Now that is just SCARY! I think that the first thing every parent forgets to do is read the owners manual! Every car seat is different, different features, different height/ weight limits, different LATCH weight limits, basically different everything. Every parent should be sure to read each car seat manual cover to cover before intrusting that seat to save your child's life in the event of an accident.

If you would like to have your childs seat checked by a certified passenger safety technician you can go to to find one in your area.

When did you turn your child's car seat around to forward facing?

Did you know???

The AAP is now recommending REAR facing until age 2! (or until the child has reached the maximum height and weight for his/ her seat)

Here is an article stating the AAP's new stance on rear facing. I highly recommend you read it.

Here is a video that EVERY parent should watch. Not only should every parent watch, every parent should seriously consider how they secure their child(ren) into their car seat.

There are TONS of other videos on YouTube and other sites that show the benefits of rear facing

We still have Ainslee rear facing and will keep her that way for much longer. She is perfectly content sitting that was and it gives me much needed peace of mind knowing that she is much safer that way.

Please go out and check your child's car seat NOW or call Seat Check

1 comment:

Wanting What I Have said...

Oh. My. Goodness. I am showing this to my husband.