Thursday, May 27, 2010

So much to say...

...that is one reason why I have written in so long. I feel like I never have the time to write and when I finally do have time I either have too much to say (and I hate to start something I know I cant finish right then) so I don't even start my post, or I get time to write and I COMPLETELY forget what I wanted to write about. So I decided to just write about what is on my mind today with no real direction to this post and we will see where it ends up. Hopefully I will get back on blog track and post more regularly again, but the demands and pressures of summer are quickly approaching so I'm not making any promises.

here is a little run down on Ainslee - she is getting more teeth (7.25 to be exact, still waiting for the 8th to completely break through, HA!), sometimes I wish her top front 2 teeth wouldnt come in because I like her fang look. She loves to blow kisses, is still a mommas girl, does all her poopies in the potty and most of her pee pees too, her hair is curling up more and more even when it is not wet, spends the night out with ease, laughs ALL the time! She is already a jokester, wants to be like her big sister, still eats everything in sight (unless she is cutting a tooth then she starves herself for a couple days), does NOT like milk, loves ice cream (you think if I let it melt then I can consider that her milk intake for the day? or maybe i should just freeze her milk?). When you say "time for bed, she goes RUNNING for her room," sometimes I wonder why she is so eager to go to bed. She sleeps from 6PM SHARP to somewhere between 730 and 9, loves riding the plasma car, not a huge fan of water (she likes it just doesn't LOVE it.........yet), taking a swim class with mommy,
MT and Ms Katie next week. Loves her Amma and Abba very much, has picked up more words and even more signs, knows 3 animal sounds and a couple body parts, knows the sound of the spoon scraping the bowl and begins to sign "all done" and clapping before her last bite has been delivered to her mouth. She has begun exploring other uses for her teeth besides eating (biting Kaylee seems to be the most fun thing to do with her teeth at the moment), still grunts when something doesn't go her way or to basically tell me Kaylee is pissing her off, she is patient and sweet, LOVES to put away her toys (she does so without me asking most of the time), she can follow directions, she listens to everything and knows exactly what I am saying, and my most favorite thing of all is seeing her eyes light up with pure joy/ delight/ excitement/ love whenever Marcus, Kaylee, or myself walk into the room. She wants hugs and kisses from Kaylee and me ALL the time and is not stingy with them at all. I enjoy every minute of her!

I guess since I did a run down on Ainslee I better tell you a little something about Kaylee - she is growing by leaps and bounds both physically and mentally. She amazes us every day with the things that she says and does. She is a fabulous big sister (most of the time), loves play dough, LOVES watching Curious George, loves riding her Power Wheels (and running into things, she is going to really love it when she can drive bumper cars). She is still having some nighttime issues but not AS bad, has developed a dislike of spending the night out (boo hoo), has pushed her bedtime back to around 7 or 730, can't sit still or quiet to save her life, doesn't get mad or freak out when told NO (this is one of my favorite traits about her and I am especially thankful when I see the kind of fits other children throw when they are told NO). She loves loves LOVES the water and can't wait until the day she can spend hours each and every day in a pool (I told Marcus I wouldn't be surprised if she moves to the beach at first chance), buckles herself into her car seat, thankfully she has NOT mastered the UNbuckling part yet, got her teeth cleaned at the dentist for the first time and did amazing, is a people watcher like her daddy, like her sister she already has a tan despite the layers of sunscreen I have applied (white girl momma is slightly envious of this), would eat 20 pieces of fruit a day of I let her, finally developed a liking for sleeping with me (this is more of an accomplishment on my part than hers, we had tons of practice while on our road trip, more on that later), has had tiny samples of gluten over the last couple of months (still primarily GF), sucks her thumb WAY more than I would like, can make anyone laugh at anytime, would make a very good hostage negotiator, has almost given up naps some days are such a struggle to get her to rest for at least an hour and other days she surprises me with these 2 hour naps which make her mood so much more desirable in the evening, she can recite some of her books so precisely it is as if she is actually reading them, and what I love most about my little girl is that she is one of the most fun people to be around and there is definitely never a dull moment when you are in her presence, I love my little girl for all she is!

Since I updated you on the girls I guess it would only be fair if I told you a little about Marcus too. He is still working at FedEx which takes up the majority of his time! When he is not at work or on his blackberry he is spending time with us or trying to keep up with the yard work. He has more ideas/ visions of the yard and flower beds than he can keep up with. He has taken some much needed days off over the past couple of weeks and it has been really nice having him around the house more and I think he liked getting to do/ see some of the things he usually doesnt get to. He is really bummed (as am I) that the U2 concert we were planning on going to this summer has been postponed, so that trip has be cancelled altogether. He is very proud of the gas mileage he has been able to get driving the Jetta to and from work, at 52 MPG that aint too shabby. He can fall asleep within 5 seconds of his head hitting the pillow, a trait that I am MOST envious of, and am trying to learn myself. He is still trying to convince me to stay in this house, and I am trying to convince him that staying in this house is NOT an option........maybe it will sink in to that thick skull of his one day that we need to move! Overall he is such a wonderful husband and awesome daddy!

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