Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Our Organic Garden

Bethany and I are attempting to grow our own organic garden this year. I am still a little skeptical on our (or should I say MY) ability to grow ANYTHING!!! But nonetheless today was a beginning of a new adventure.

We drove out to her father's land outside of somerville. I had never seen his land out there before and man it was beautiful to say the least. I cant wait to go back and take Kaylee and get some really nice outdoor pictures.

back to my story....
We have already purchased the seeds and Bethany had planted them in small potters in her backyard. She has been nurturing them for the past few weeks now. There were minor set backs.....dogs running through them, kids stepping on them, and toys knocking them over. After all that, they survived and we planted them in the ground today. FINALLY after weeks of waiting on the rain to stop and the land to dry enough to plant. We planted all the broccoli, cauliflower, watermelon, butternut squash, zucchini squash, yellow squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, corn, and peppers. I think that was all we planted.

So wish us luck and prosperity in our new quest to eat healthier!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

give your garden a jolt! here is a great way to spruce up your garden is to make your own plant food from leftover coffee grounds. the grounds,which contain nitrogen & potassium,can be mixed organic material to your plants or garden vegetables thrive.(1)remove coffee grounds from paper filter(2)make a solution consisting of one part coffee,four parts water & mix with ground up leaves or any kind of compost material(3)pour solution at your plant's roots once every other week.