Wednesday, May 7, 2008

All this talk about pottying....

(This post is really old, i thought i posted but apparently i never did, so here it is)

After all these posts about diapers and pottying i thought i would tell you a little story that will make you least it should make you laugh cause you were not the one involved

The day my parents and I took Kaylee to the park (last week i think) i decided to bring Kaylee's small potty along with us. Partly because when she tells me she has to go and it is too difficult or inconvenient to take her i feel horrible. Like she is saying "mommy help me, i need to go potty." In these situations i try to console her and tell her that i can not take her to the bathroom, but i still feel bad about it. And the other reason is the bathroom at the park is REALLY far away so even if i were to try to take her she would probably not be able to hold it that long. So anyways sure enough she told me she had to go to 3 times while we were at the park, and each time she had already gone in her diaper. But each time we went to the car, stripped the clothes and sat on the potty. so when it came time to go back to Grandma and Grandpa's house, oh i mean Oomma and Oomba, it was no surprise to me that she said she had to go again. Off we went to the bathroom and nothing AGAIN! I decided to leave her diaper off, like i have done many many times at home. So there she is running around with her little bare bottom, she was loving it. After about 5 minutes of playing she stands there and pees all over the place. I mean i dont know where all of it came from, and she didnt even tell me she had to go! Thank goodness mom has tile floor. So i cleaned it right up while mom distracted her. Then mom says "are you going to put a diaper on her now?" To which i replied, "she already peed, she wont have to go again for awhile." I swear childrens sole purpose in life is to prove their parents wrong! About 3-4 minutes pass after she peed on the floor, she stops playing looks me straingt in the eye and cues that she has to pee. I looked at her and said, "Kaylee you just went you dont need to go again!" Just as i am saying that she begins to go again.....ON THE FLOOR! I could not believe it. At this point my mom and i were about to laugh, and all mom was saying was "she told you she had to go." So here i am, cleaning the floor again . And i think mom said to me again, "so are you going to put a diaper on her NOW???" To which i replied "there is NO way she has anymore left!" So i did not put a diaper on her. about 4-5 minutes later the same thing happened she looked right at me and cued that she needed to go, so i jumped up, scooped her up, and we flew into the bathroom. Where she proceeded to go like she hasnt been to the bathroom in days. I was shocked, i could not believe she had that much in her!

what is that saying??? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me! Does that apply here?

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