Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Daddy saved the day!

Let me just tell you about the close call that we experienced.

So just the other day Kaylee and I were taking a bath (yes, we take a bath together, it is MUCH easier that way). So she is playing around the tub as usual splishing and slashing, then all of a sudden she stands up and holds on to the edge. She begins to grunt, like she has to use the bathroom. I admit it, I panicked big time! A flash went through my head of "what if she pooed in the bath tub?" So I began screaming for Marcus to come, as i am trying to distract her from going to the bathroom in the tub. He swoops in picks her up, sopping wet and puts her on the potty. She went on the "big girl potty," got cleaned up, then came back in the tub to finish her bath. Thank goodness Daddy was able to save the day.

Although she has never pooed in the tub, this potty business is not new to her. It was right around New Years when I stumbled upon some articles on the Internet about early potty training. I read how you can watch for a baby's "signs" and potty train them as early as a few months old. I was amazed as i read the articles about this. So i thought i might try this with Kaylee. I knew i might be starting a little late, but what the heck. The day I decided to try it, it was after nap she hadn't gone yet so i decided to put her on the potty. (she is very regular so i knew she had to go) within about 10 seconds she was going pee. I almost fell over, i could not believe it happened so fast. so i cheered and clapped and tried not to drop her in to the potty (she was sitting on the big potty, cause we had not thought to buy her her own one yet, I mean she was not even 1 year old yet). so i am clapping and cheering, then my second surprise. she began pooing. I think i almost dropped her in I was so amazed. The very first time i put her on she goes, are you kidding me? marcus was sleeping and i just could not wait to tell him when he woke up, i think i even woke him up early to tell him. So since then we put her on the potty as much as possible. And she goes just about every time. I would not consider us trying to potty train her, but more like saving diapers.

This is the one of the only pictures we have of her sitting on "her" potty.

1 comment:

Damie said...

I pooed in the tub with my mom once...well, I think it was on the side of the tub. Ha ha!!!!!