Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The time has come, the time is now....

Marvin K Mooney will you please go now! The time HAS come (well almost), but not quite NOW. This baby keeps teasing me with its plan to exit my body. And to be completely honest I am sort of kind of fine with it cause frankly I'm still not "ready" yet. There are boxes of gifts that haven't arrived yet, presents that need to be wrapped, and our tree is sitting ever so patiently down in our shop because the weather lately has not cooperated. Today we are in the process of getting what looks like about 3 inches of snow. And the past couple of days we have gotten somewhere in the neighborhood of 5 inches of rain. UGH it's been ugly people! Anyways back to baby news......I had another doctors appt yesterday and I've made a bit more progress. I am now walking around 4cm dialated, and measuring 2 weeks BIG again!!! It is amazing to me that I can walk around almost 1/2 way dialated and still not be in active labor! Last night I thought was the beginning of "something" but it turned out to be nothing. I was having lots and LOTS of contractions but none ever got strong. So Marcus went to work and I went to bed and nothing ever came of them, I have a feeling they were a result from being checked yesterday, we will see what today brings. I really thought yesterday would be the day, I woke up and felt different all day. Among the signs/symptoms was the need to frequent the ALL day! The ever mounting pressure down there and the fact that I'm dialated even more just seemed to validate all I was feeling. But it must have been a "practice round". So today, on this snowy day we are all camped out in front of the TV waiting to see if anything is going to happen. I feel bad my kids have been babysat by the TV for 2 straight days, I know they are itching to get some energy out, but I'm just plum pooped out. I will keep you all posted on the happenings around here, you know the Saturday is supposed to be a full moon. Some people have guessed baby will come that day/night. I have to say that as the day draws near the "boy" votes are outnumbering the girl votes. Oh and the names are not completely decided yet either, so it's safe to say this baby could stay inside a few more days and it will be just fine with me! Although I am very eager to meet this little one, I don't feel the need to speed things up like I have with the other two. I am so at peace with this baby arriving in his/her own time!

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