Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Snow Days

So I don't have any actual pictures of us IN the snow, but I have some shots of the hot chocolate afterwards.

I haven't bought a sled in the past, because we usually only get like 1 snow a year. But this year we have gotten record amounts of snow in the month of January alone! So let me tell you the next time I see a sled I am buying it (ok maybe only the first one on sale).

Kaylee is always being crazy!
Ainslee had to take her last sip, right as I was ready to take the pic
Kaylee only ate the marshmallows, didn't even drink the hot chocolate
My cutie pie!

Our only "snow" picture. If you cant tell that is our family of snow angels. Marcus is on the left, I am in the middle, and Kaylee is on the right, and Ainslee wanted nothing to do with lying in the snow. She kept her happy little self in the wagon the entire time, that's what I used as a sled........it was the best I could come up with.

I wonder how many more snows we will get this winter?

1 comment:

*Princess Mommy* said...

a small laundry basket works fantastically as well! We rednecked it in one of those last year before we bought the sled :)