Wednesday, February 23, 2011


As you all have probably figured out by now I have been struggling with this blog for the past couple months. I haven't had much inspiration to write, and i haven't tried to make the time to do so. I guess you could say I'm kind of in a funk, so the 3 of you that actually read this......sorry. I will try and get more posts up soon.

With all that said I am so happy to say that tomorrow is going to be an AWESOME day! I cant wait! My sister in law is going to have her first baby, which will make me an Auntie for the 1st time. And on top of that..... the gender and name of the little one is still a mystery. I am waiting anxiously the news. i just hate that we are so far away, and probably wont get to actually see hold him/her for a couple of months until we can make it up to Bean Town. I hope that she showers us with pictures and videos!

Oh and Kaylee seems to think that the baby is a girl now. From the moment we told her C was pregnant she was confident the baby was a boy. Then, about 6 or so weeks ago Kaylee announced "I changed my mind!" I asked her what she changed her mind about and she said "C is NOT having a boy anymore, now she is having a girl." And ever since she has been adamant it is a girl. Recently she came up with the baby's name too, she says her name is Darla Alyssa (but sometimes she changes it to Narna). Oh and earlier this week she tried to convince C that she has TWO babies in her belly. C was quick to assure her that she KNOWS there is only one baby in there. hahahaha

I have to say that besides my SIL, I have another friend who will be having her baby in March and she does not know the gender of her baby either. It is KILLING me having to wait and see! That is funny to me because we didn't find out the sex of either of our children, and we never thought twice about our decision. It was easy for me to not know, when I was the one pregnant, but now to be on the other side, it is MUCH harder. I want to know SO bad, now I only have to wait a little longer.

Congrats C&H! Enjoy your last night as a family of 2, and know that tomorrow marks the beginning of the rest of your lives. And it is going to be the ride of your life!


*Princess Mommy* said...

I am so excited for them!! what an exciting day!! and YAY for you becoming an Auntie!

Amma B said...

Now we know...K was right!!! ...and a beautiful name...A...!!! You're DO need to get a few more posts in... i know, i know, i don't see how you do what you do now!!! Love ya