Thursday, August 7, 2008

1 Thing I have learned from Kaylee

Among the MANY MANY things Kaylee has taught me in her 19 short months of being with us, there is one that I would like to share with you today.

***Never smell your piggies while you are sitting on the potty***

Let me explain! So our little angel has discovered the fun in smelling things, especially feet (which we call piggies). She will smell your feet and then wave her hand in front of her nose, telling you that your feet stink! She will smell anything and says it stinks! I dont think that she is actually "smelling," but anyways it is quite funny. She never leaves anyone in the room out when she decides to start smelling piggies. She will smell everyones, EVEN Tahoe's. This posed quite a challenge to her when her aunt Mary took her to the park the other day, Mary said she became overwhelmed with all the piggies she had to go around smelling. HAHA Mary said it was quite embarrassing for her!
When you add her love of smelling piggies to her sitting on the potty, it spells disaster! She will try to smell them while balanced on the big girl toilet. Keep in mind she has never used one of those little seats you put on top of the toilet, the ones made so little butts dont fall in. And she has insisted for the past 6 months or so to hold herself on the potty. I am no longer allowed to assist her, except for helping her up and down. So as i am waiting for her to do her business i notice that she is about to smell her piggies. She reaches down with her hand to grab her foot and starts pulling it towards her face. If you can imagine how this looks...she has lost all her support from one side of her body, and has no where to fall but in the toilet. So instead of smelling her feet she decided to dip her butt in the water. This is not the only time she has attempted this crazy feit, she tries often, and is bound and determined to figure out how to do it successfully.

So in case you didnt know and ever wanted to try to smell your piggies while sitting on the potty, DONT!

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