Monday, June 16, 2008

Chillin`in PV

As most of you know I have been in Puerto Vallarta Mexico for the past 8 days. My parents, Kaylee, and I came down here last Sunday, and have enjoyed it so far. It seems like it has gone by so quickly. Actually Kaylee and my parents left this morning. They had a REALLY early flight, so we decided it was best to say good-bye to Kaylee last night before going to bed. We didn't see the point in waking up to say good-bye this morning just to have her burst into tears as mom and dad took her away. She has been VERY clingy to me these days! So needless to say I am very sad to have her gone, but hope that the 8 days to come will be filled with other exciting and adventurous things.
So far, we have been pretty booked up with wedding get togethers.....Wednesday night was the party at a private Villa (friends rented a place that Richard Nixon stayed in, amazing!) this night included a private fireworks show off the balcony, Thursday night was the bachelorette party, Friday morning the bridesmaids gathering including manicures, Friday evening the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner all i can say is YUM! and Saturday the wedding and reception, Sunday the Father`s day brunch. So now that all of that is over and most of the guests have left we have decided to fill our days with a variety of excursions and sitting by the pool soaking up the sun when it peaks out from behind the clouds. The weather here has not been the best, but we have tried to make the best of it. It is much like Memphis, just not as hot or humid. Tonight we are going on a dinner cruise with the Irish Group and some others that are still here, so we are looking forward to that.
I just wanted to write a quick post on today, but there is MUCH more to come, including pictures from this momentous vacation.


Damie said...

I love all of your videos and pictures!!! you are soooooo good at taking pictures of your baby. I didn't know you went to Mexico! You lucky girl. Miss you!

Anonymous said...

Great to hear you enjoying your vacation. Now where are the photos for all to see.
Lpve Sharon